Digital art of on-camera interviewWhether or not you believe that Andy Warhol predicted, "in the future, everybody will be world-famous for 15 minutes" (The Smithsonian says it's probably not true), you'll want to seize the moment when TV news comes calling. These nine PR tips will ensure you make everyone proud.

1. Maintain Eye Contact

  • When in a face-to-face interview, focus on the person asking questions, not the camera.
  • In remote interviews, keep unwavering eye contact with the camera lens.
    When pausing to collect your thoughts, look down rather than up to avoid misinterpretation.

2. Present Your Best Self

  • Even in virtual meetings through platforms like Zoom or Teams, your appearance and surroundings are pivotal.
  • Position your camera at eye level for a flattering perspective.
  • Dress appropriately and run a comb or brush through your hair. The world doesn't need another Sam Bankman-Fried!
  • Opt for a clean and tidy background, avoiding virtual backgrounds for a professional touch.
  • Invest in a ring light to ensure your face is well-lit and looks its best.

3. Pay Attention to Posture

  • Maintain proper posture during interviews by leaning forward about 20 degrees. This position opens your diaphragm, improves airflow and conveys engagement in the conversation.
  • Avoid leaning back against your chair to prevent a slouched appearance.

4. Prioritize Practice

  • Understand that television interviews can be stressful due to the artificial environment of lights, makeup and cameras.
  • Practice in front of a mirror with a stopwatch to perfect your delivery.
  • Use your phone to capture a video of the practice so you can review how you did and make adjustments as necessary.

5. Eliminate Distractions

  • Silence your phone alerts and enable "do not disturb" on your smartwatch to maintain focus.
  • Remove coins from your pockets, avoid holding a pen, and choose a stable, non-swiveling chair to prevent nervous distractions.

6. Bridge to Your Message

  • While addressing the interviewer's questions, always guide the conversation back to your key messages.
  • Reiterate these messages when offered an opportunity for a closing thought opportunity. Many journalists end with, "Is there anything else?" That's a great opportunity for you to deliver your message again.

7. Quick, Action-Oriented Answers

  • Support journalists in storytelling by providing examples and anecdotes. Personal stories are always the most memorable.
  • Remember you are communicating in the age of TikTok, so brief statements of 10 to 15 seconds help ensure you grab attention. The average length of a soundbite on the TV news is less than 10 seconds!

8. Stay Calm and Adapt

  • In the fast-paced world of TV news, expect anything can change and be flexible.
  • Be prepared to address questions about current events even if they seem unrelated to your planned discussion.
  • Remember, your message is adaptable and relevant, regardless of the question.

9. Smile and Exude Energy

  • Understand that your nonverbal cues, posture, and facial expressions can be even more important than your words.
  • Observe the delivery of TV news anchors for inspiration on how they emphasize their messages.
  • If possible, take a brisk walk before going on camera to energize yourself and get your blood flowing.

With these expert tips, you'll be well-prepared for any on-camera appearance. Mastering these techniques will help ensure that your 15 minutes of fame are memorable for all the right reasons.