23 Articles Found

Zen and the Art of Speaking

I recently connected with Sandra Zimmer of The Self-Expression Center and her approach to preparing a spokesperson immediately reminded me of basketball coach Phil Jackson's philosophy of heightening a person's consciousness in order to improve performance. I wanted to share this article she submitted and hope you find it helpful.

Message Not Important? Don't Believe It!

Is it appropriate to apply a frequently cited study out of UCLA regarding the relative importance of a person''s message to presentation skills and media interview skills? This article examines why it may not be.

Tips for Anyone Going On-Camera

If Andy Warhol was right and "in the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes," you want to be prepared beforehand in order to prevent becoming infamous. These 10 tips will help get you ready before the cameras turn toward you.1. The Eyes Have It - When face-to-face with an interviewer, focus on the the person asking the questions and not on the camera. If you are at a remote location (as is frequently the case on Nightline) maintain eye contact with the camera lens at all times. When pausing to think, look down - not up. You don't want viewers to think you're rolling your eyes. 2. Dress Conservatively - Wear solid colors with an emphasis on blues and browns. Avoid white shirts, plaids and checkered patterns. Also, bring along a backup outfit just in case you spill your coffee or sweat stains appear. 3. Posture …