14 Articles Found

Warren Buffett endorses presentation skills training

I am a big fan of Warren Buffett (my Aunt Margie -- maiden name Margie Lee Canaday -- was his classmate in Omaha and was even mentioned in his autobiography, Snowball), so I carved out some time this week to watch his town hall event with Bill Gates at Columbia Business School students on CNBC. Now, it is one thing for me to try to explain to executives the value of our Media Interview Skills Training and Presentation Skills Training services, but to have Warren Buffett put it into dollars and cents -- that takes it to another level!   So when Mr. Buffett explained that improving communications skills can increase the future earnings potential of executives by 50 percent -- which conservatively translates into about a half million dollars for the average college graduate -- it was music to my ears! You could improve on that (he's referring to …

Study Questions a Fundamental of Public Speaking Training

People seek public speaking training to be smooth, professional presenters. But a new study reports speakers who are not smooth can actually be better at delivering their points. DPK Public Relations examines what the study really found and how presenters can use the findings to improve their delivery.

Defining PowerPoint''s Proper Place in Presentations

PowerPoint is marking its 20th anniversary, but there remains a general misunderstanding of its role in helping presenters grab an audience. Click here to find out why your presentations are so yawn inducing.

Message Not Important? Don't Believe It!

Is it appropriate to apply a frequently cited study out of UCLA regarding the relative importance of a person''s message to presentation skills and media interview skills? This article examines why it may not be.